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Student Health Services

Antioch Health Services “Care Plan” for Students During the 2020 Pandemic


Students will be encouraged to practice these protocols prior to arrival on campus.

All students must wear masks while on campus or traveling on Antioch business.


  • While alone inside one’s own residence hall room or their other private residence or while showering or sink facial hygiene. Distance of less than 6 feet from others during showering, drying and sink needs should be limited to less than 5 minutes and make use of sink dividers.
  • While working alone in an office or lab with the door closed.
  • While eating meals if maintaining at least 6 feet distance from others.
  • While alone outside (not on a sidewalk simultaneously being used by others) and at least 20 feet distance from others.

All students should maintain at least 6 feet distance from others, except when momentarily passing by someone in the classroom, hall or sidewalks.

All students should practice exceptionally comprehensive hand hygiene. This includes washing with soap/water and friction for at least 20 seconds (turn faucets off with a dry towel) or the use of alcohol based hand sanitizer of at least 70% before and after touching one’s face, upon entering one’s residence hall room or any classroom and before and after meals or utilizing the toilet and before and after removing one’s face mask. Highly recommend constantly carrying a personal sized bottle of sanitizer.

Coughing and sneezing should be done into either a tissue or into the crook of one’s elbow, not into the air or onto one’s hand; followed immediately by hand washing or sanitizing.

Students must self-monitor for symptoms of illness. This includes:

  • Monitoring their temperature twice a day, at least 10 hours apart.
  • Any respiratory symptoms, including but not limited to new onset of coughing, sore throat, sinus congestion, shortness of breath.
  • Any new gastrointestinal symptoms, including two consecutive diarrhea stools or nausea or vomiting
  • Fatigue, chills, body aches, headache or the loss of the sense of smell or taste.

Any student who experiences any of these symptoms or a temperature above 100.4 must immediately call the Antioch Duty Phone (937-471-0517) and email the Campus Nurse ( The staff person on-duty should call or text the Campus Nurse immediately to coordinate response.


COVID-19 testing of students

All students will be encouraged to obtain a test 3 to 5 days before arriving on campus. Students who test positive must shelter-in-place according to the CDC standard of care which is 72 hours of having no fever above 100.4, is not taking antipyretic medications and have a resolution of their symptoms, AND at least 10 days since the first presentation of symptoms has passed.

Students with COVID-19 symptoms and who are unable to obtain a test should consult with the Campus Nurse before traveling to campus.

All students will receive a rapid COVID-19 test upon arrival to campus and prior to moving into their assigned residence hall. Students who test positive will move into our designated quarantine space, where they must remain until assessed to be safe to be released into the Antioch general population. See below for additional information about students who are quarantined and our testing strategy once the quarter begins.


Any student who presents with COVID-19 suspicious symptoms will be immediately isolated in their own residence hall room then as soon as possible have a telehealth conference with the Campus Nurse to determine if the student must be quarantined due to suspected COVID-19 infection.

If the student’s symptoms are indicative of COVID-19, the possible need for Contact Tracing of other exposed individuals will be assessed and those individuals will be contacted and isolated in their residence hall room/s. The Campus Nurse will report the details to the Infectious Disease staff with the Greene County Health District, who will assist and guide us through Contact Tracing, isolation and antigen testing of the symptomatic student.

The symptomatic student will be moved to our designated Quarantine Residence Hall, where they must remain until assessed to be safe to be released into the Antioch general population. The Campus Nurse will have a telehealth conference with each quarantined student twice a day to monitor their progress, needs and if symptoms escalate, the possible need for assessment by an Emergency Room physician. Transport to a hospital may be made by 911 as local paramedics have appropriate PPE.

Releasing a Student from Quarantine

If a symptomatic student has a POSITIVE CV19 antigen (SARS-CoV-2) nasopharyngeal swab test or chooses not to have the test performed:

  • After this symptomatic student experiences a period of 72 hours of having no fever above 100.4, is not taking antipyretic medications and have a resolution of their symptoms, AND at least 10 days since the first presentation of symptoms has passed; then they may be released by the Campus Nurse to return to the general Antioch population.

If a symptomatic student has a NEGATIVE (SARS-CoV-2) COVID-19 antigen nasopharyngeal swab test:

  • After this symptomatic student experiences a period of 72 hours of having no fever above 100.4, is not taking antipyretic medications and have a resolution of their symptoms, they may be released by the Campus Nurse to return to the general Antioch population.

Note: some mild residual symptoms are acceptable, but should be assessed by the Campus Nurse if appropriate to be released. Loss of the sense of smell or taste could last for months and should not prevent the release from quarantine if that’s the only residual symptom.


Every time a student tests positive for COVID-19, the Campus Nurse, Vice President of Student Affairs, and other designated staff will have a conversation to assess indicators of community spread and determine a course of action.

Care of non-COVID-19 Sick or Injured Students

The Campus Nurse will continue to be available to meet students’ needs for acute or chronic medical or injury care and education and will use either telehealth or in-person visits in Pennell  House, as appropriate.