Penny Storm has been involved in education from Head Start to elementary education to teaching at the university level. She received a BA from Antioch College. She discovered her graduate field, Human Growth and Development, while studying in England through Antioch Education Abroad (AEA). While researching the British view of the United States as seen is their press, she read about a new graduate degree field that offered a more holistic approach than just psychology or sociology. She received her MA in 1968 and PhD in 1970. Covering psychology, sociology and physiology from conception to death, human development opened many opportunities in academia from designing preschool programs to teaching the psychology of dress. She expanded this latter field by analyzing the personal and social uses of clothing in her book, “Functions of Dress, Tool of Culture and the Individual.” Since her retirement, she has been an active alumna after her retirement participating in the Volunteer Work Project and the Alumni Board.