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Legacy Giving

Bequests are a great way to support future Antiochians. ​We have a confidential bequest form you can complete should you decide to provide for Antioch College in your estate plans. Including Antioch College in your estate plans indicates a strong and powerful belief in securing Antioch’s legacy as well as your own, for which we are deeply grateful.

Long Live Antioch, Securing the Future, The Hugh Taylor Birch Society

Hugh Taylor Birch Legacy Society

The Hugh Taylor Birch Legacy Society is named to honor one of Antioch College’s most generous alumni. The Society recognizes individuals who have thoughtfully made Antioch College a beneficiary in their will or trust.

A bequest is an investment in the College today that helps to ensure Antioch’s future tomorrow. The world will always need Antiochians! An Antioch College education has been and remains unique, and Antioch alumni continue to win victories for humanity.

David Southern ’73Including Antioch College as a beneficiary in my will was an easy decision to make. I believe strongly in the value of an education tailored to the individual.

Unlike many colleges and universities, Antioch has a history of treating incoming students as adults from their first day of arrival. That level of respect and assumed responsibility is reflected in the college’s themes of “Own your education” and “Antioch Works.” These days, students are more worldly than ever, thanks to the Internet and social media. Nevertheless, I think Antioch continues to provide a unique educational experience for those students who are ready and eager to engage with the world, whether that engagement starts in high school or on graduation.

Antioch’s specialty is weaving together academics, Co-op and community education to grow a person’s skill-set and ability to shape the world. Few institutions, if any, can offer an Antioch experience, and for those special students who can profit by it, and in so doing, change the world, I gladly offer my continuing support. For me, including Antioch in my will is an investment in the future to support the change-makers we will desperately need.

—David Southern ’73

Why is Antioch in my will? Because the world will always need Antiochians. We make a huge difference in the world, far beyond our numbers. If a dollar of mine educates even one more student, that’s an investment I’m happy to make. It’s my gift to the future.

—Joan Straumanis ’57

Contact Information

For more information, please contact the Office of Advancement: 937-767-2341 or at

Legacy Giving FAQ

These questions and answers are general ideas, not to be considered legal advice. Please consult your financial advisor or attorney to learn how best to carry out your intentions under the laws of your State.

Q1. Why should Antioch College be included in my estate plan?
The world will always need Antiochians! An Antioch education has been and remains unique, and Antioch alumni continue to win victories for humanity. Your bequest today helps to ensure that Antioch will continue to thrive tomorrow.

Q2. Antioch is already in my estate plan! Is this campaign for me? What should I be doing now?

Yes, this campaign is for you! We would like you to review your will with these issues in mind and inform the College of any changes:
• Check the name of the recipient institution. Be sure it’s Antioch College, not University.
• Does the College have complete and accurate contact info for your attorney or financial advisor? Update it if necessary.
• Be sure the purpose of the bequest is clear and still relevant to programs at the College. (See Q6 below.)
• Consider making at least a portion of your bequest irrevocable. (See Q8 below.)
• Inform your executor and other friends and family of your intentions.
• Tell the College about your bequest.
Q3. If Antioch is already in my estate plan, why is it important to tell the College?

Listing your name as a member of the Hugh Taylor Birch Society–those who’ve included Antioch in their wills–encourages your classmates and friends to consider doing the same. Your bequest also helps the College with its financial planning for the future. And your irrevocable bequest can be booked by the College as a current asset which helps the bottom line today. (See Q8 below.)

Q4. May I leave property to Antioch–or just money?

Yes indeed! Leaving valuable property to the College–your house, for example–is a wonderful idea, and very welcome.

Q5. May I make the College the beneficiary of my insurance, annuity, IRA, or other investment asset?

Please do! This is a very good idea, often overlooked. Even donors who don’t regard themselves as wealthy often have assets of this sort, and making Antioch your beneficiary would be a wonderful gift to the College.

Q6. May I specify the purpose I want my bequest to be used for?

Of course. Like any gift, a bequest can be directed toward purposes that are important to you. It’s wise to specify such purposes as broadly as possible (for example, “scholarships” in general, rather than scholarships for a student from my state or studying in a certain field. Also consider purposes that are likely to persist into the future; gifts directed to a certain department run the risk that the department name or the College program might change. Unless you specify otherwise, your bequest, when realized, will be used for current operations. If that is not your preference, you might specify that your gift should be for capital improvement or the College’s endowment, for example.

Q7. Is it a good idea to allow my bequest to be used for College operating funds, or should I specify something else? Does the College have a preference?

Unspecified donations of any kind, including bequests, give the College maximum flexibility. It’s operating funds that keep the lights on and educate the students. But some donors prefer the relative permanence of increasing the endowment or renovating a physical space with their gifts. The donor’s wishes will be honored, of course. All bequests are welcome!

Q8. I don’t have a will and I’m not sure when I’ll get around to making one, but I intend to include Antioch College in my estate plan some day. Is there something I can do about that right now?

Yes! An irrevocable bequest doesn’t require a will–only a signed form, a very simple process. And if you aren’t ready to commit to that but intend to include Antioch in your future will, you may decide to submit a different form, a Confidential Declaration of Intent. The purpose of this is to inform the College of your plan. (But of course we encourage you to formalize your estate plan as soon as possible!)

Q9. I have a will but Antioch isn’t named in it. Is there an easy way to add the College now?

From the College’s point of view, the best and easiest way to do this is to submit an Irrevocable Bequest form, promising the College a specified portion of your estate. Or you can sign the Confidential Declaration of Intent as described in Q9 above. Either way, it’s very important to inform your executor as well as family and friends of your intention and to change your will as soon as you can.

Q10. I want to support the College but I also have to protect my heirs. How can I word my bequest to do that?

A simple way to protect your heirs and still support the College is to specify in your will that the College will receive X dollars or X percent of your estate whichever is the lesser. In that way you assure your heirs a portion of your estate, and cap the amount the College will receive.

Q11. What if I name the College in my will but use up most or all of my money during my lifetime?

If you have a normal will, normal practices will apply and your estate–such as it is–will be divided according to law. But if you signed an irrevocable bequest agreement, that might constitute a claim on any assets that might remain. Promise an irrevocable request only if you’re sure that your estate can honor it, and your heirs are protected.

Q12. What happens to my bequest if the College closes during my lifetime?

If the College closes, then of course any bequest–even an irrevocable one–would become null and void. (If on the other hand the College survives beyond your lifetime, wouldn’t it be great to keep supporting it?)

Q13. I’m convinced! How do I get started establishing/amending my estate plan to include Antioch College?

Please contact us–and thank you! The office of Advancement can answer your questions and provide you with the appropriate forms: