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For Admitted Students

Welcome Admitted Students to Antioch College!

Congratulations again on joining the Antioch College community! Use this page to dive deeper into the Antioch experience with resources designed to provide you with more information about what makes Antioch College a unique and amazing investment into your future. Explore the campus, discover academic opportunities, and connect.

Admission Entry Terms & Important Information

Fall 2025

Admitted Students Weekend takes place every April.

Don’t forget to register for Fall 2025 which takes place April 18 – 20. 

Winter 2026

If you are admitted for Winter 2026, please check back for important enrollment information before the term starts.

Fall 2024 Orientation Schedule

Wednesday, August 21

9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Check-in/Move-in @ Wellness Center 

Complete your New Student check-in tasks. You will need your photo ID. 

12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Lunch & President’s Welcome @ Wellness Center Studio B

Families welcome – Registration required. 

2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. College Life @ Wellness Center Studio B 

Provost welcome, introduction of Dean’s Council/3 Cs, & overview of academic & co-op path 

3:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. PF Track: Co-Op, ACW, Federal Work College @ Wellness Center Studio B

FY transitions, campus resources, on-call/early alerts 

NS Track: Navigating the College Environment @ McGregor 113 

Life as a college student: what that means for communication & decision making  

(financial, academic, & FERPA) 

4:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. PF Track: Supporting Your Student’s Transition @ Wellness Center Studio B

Life as a college student: what that means for communication & decision making (financial, academic, & FERPA) 

NS Track: Community Governance/IGs @ McGregor 113 

FY transitions, campus resources, on-call/early alerts 

5:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Class Photo & Parent Send Off @ Main Hall Steps 

Gather for Class of 2027 photo & parents/families depart 

6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Dinner with Orientation Group @ Wellness Center Studio B

New students will meet with their Orientation Group 

7:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Residence Hall Meetings @ McGregor 113 

RL overview & staff intro; break out to RA groups – ice breakers & prepping for floor  meetings 

8:30p.m. – 10:30 p.m. OL Welcoming Event 

Laid back evening of getting to know each other in your residential spaces

Thursday, August 22

8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. Breakfast @ North Kitchen 

9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Make Up Placement Testing @ *various locations 

Will Send updated info! 

9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Choose Your Own Adventure 

Games & Treats @ Olive Kettering Library (OKL) 

Check-List Completion 

Hike / Nature Walk @ Glen Helen – Starts at 10:00 a.m. Meet outside OKL 

Antiochiana Storytelling – Starts at 11:00 a.m. Mull Hall 

12:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. Academic Welcome & Lunch w/ Faculty @ Wellness Center Studio B

Academic Planning Overview (one hour), lunch advisor meetings (one hour) 

3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Co-Op, ACW, Fed. Work College @ Wellness Center Studio B

Students will learn about co-op, learning sequence, Antioch Works, and Federal Work College 

5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Dinner w/ RAs @ North Kitchen 

Students will learn about co-op, their learning sequence, Antioch Works, and Federal  Work College 

7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. OL Event!

Friday, August 23

8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. Breakfast @ North Kitchen 

9:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Federal Work College -Supervisor Meet &Greet @ Wellness Center Studio B

Students will have the opportunity to meet their supervisors, go over their schedule,  and locate their workplace 

12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. Lunch with Orientation Group @ North Kitchen 

1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. FERPA, Honor Code, & Academic Honesty @ Wellness Center Studio B

What is FERPA & Antioch Honor Code – what it means & your responsibility 

2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Campus Operations Roundtable @ Wellness Center Studio B

Get to know the folks who keep us going: ITAMS, Facilities, Housekeeping, & Kitchen staff 

3:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Emergency & Crisis Response @ Wellness Center Studio B

Meet public safety & on-call staff  

3:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.  Risk Reduction and Violence Prevention Looking Out for Yourself and Others  @ Wellness Center Studio B 

Required for all new students* Title IX, Violence Prevention, Substance  use/abuse, bystander Intervention, risk reduction strategies, self-awareness, and  peer pressure/campus norming 

5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. Dinner with Orientation Group @ North Kitchen 

Orientation Group Meeting #3 

6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Explore Yellow Springs 

Discover the village of Yellow Springs with your RAs & OLs – meet in front of Weston

Saturday, August 24

8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. Breakfast @ North Kitchen 

9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Student Affairs, Student Conduct, and the Student Handbook @ Wellness Center Studio B 

Learning about Student Affairs and how it can serve you, Student Handbook,  reporting concerns, conduct process 

12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. Lunch @ North Kitchen 

1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.  Challenge and Support: Navigating Campus Culture @ Wellness Center Studio 

Students will learn more about the importance of DEI and how we build it into our  culture at Antioch as well as learn about RDPP 

3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Academic Resources @ Wellness Center Studio B

Study skills, time management, accommodations, canvas, google classroom 

5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Dinner @ North Kitchen 

6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. OL Event!

Sunday, August 25

9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Breakfast @ North Kitchen 

11:00 a.m.- 12:30 p.m. Campus Resource Tour 

12:30 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. Lunch @ North Kitchen 

1:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Prepare for Classes 

Make sure you have everything ready to go for classes tomorrow: Shopping Shuttles, finding classes, finish the check-list 

5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Residence Life Meeting @ McGregor Hall 113 

Required for all residential students 

Welcome; Community standards/expectations; Fire/Life Safety – required training;  then break out to floor communities 

6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Gym Jam @ the Wellness Center 

Celebrate the beginning of the new term with all students new and returning. 

Monday, August 26

Individual Schedules Classes Begin 

Regular meal hours begin

Tuesday, August 27

2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Community Meeting @ McGregor 113 

Don’t miss out on the first Community Meeting of the term! 

Friday, August 30

Academic Calendar Last Day to Add/Drop a class 

Online Registration closes at 11:59 p.m. in ACCESS 

Monday, September 2

Academic Calendar Labor Day 

No classes & campus offices closed 

Enjoy a cookout style meal with North Kitchen for lunch! No other meal service  provided. 

Tuesday, September 3

2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Community Meeting @ McGregor 113 

Regular community meeting participation is key to strong community!

Letter to Admitted Students from Assistant Director of Student Success and Academic Resources

Hello future Antiochian!

I am Nathan Ortlieb, the Assistant Director of Student Success and Academic Resources. Although August is still two months away, we are very eager to welcome you into our community! As we continue to plan for Orientation, you can expect to receive weekly updates from our different departments, each including important dates/deadlines. 

Student Support: Here on campus, we aim to provide support for the academic, community, and personal wellness aspects of your time here. 

  1. Academic Support: During your time at Antioch, you may find use in utilizing one of our academic support systems, such as peer tutoring, student success events, or recurring meetings with myself.  For more information about these resources, please see our webpage for the Center for Academic Support Services (CASS)
  2. Community Support: Entering a new community can come with a set of unique challenges, and although the experience of entering college brings a lot of opportunities for personal growth, it is also important to acknowledge the potential for obstacles. Luckily, there are supports in place to help you navigate this exciting transition. Our Residence Life team, including professional staff and our fantastic team of RAs, are available to help you throughout your Antioch experience. Members of this team are the perfect first-step to reach out to when you need to be connected to campus resources, but aren’t exactly sure who to reach out to or how to receive support. 
  3. Personal Wellness: We have many programs that seek to provide support through difficult times and help students flourish. Surrounding our campus, there are plenty of  local medical resources for students. Additionally,  counseling services staff are located in Pennell House and offer inclusive and holistic ways to heal and grow. If you ever want to spend some time increasing physical activity, we have our spectacular Wellness Center full of various amenities and activities for students to prioritize their wellness. 


Accommodations: At Antioch, accommodations are generally divided into two categories, academic accommodations, which are done with the goal of making the classroom an accessible space through addressing specific student needs, or housing accommodations, which are made for ensuring students can be safe, comfortable, and successful in the campus living environment. This includes requests for emotional support animals (ESAs). If you would like to discuss the possibility of receiving accommodations or additional resources, please reach out to myself, Nathan Ortlieb,  utilizing the contact information listed in my signature. If you would like to begin the process of receiving accommodations, please feel free to fill out this form


Student Billing/Accounts and Financial Aid: On campus, there are two main folks you’ll be working with when it comes to finances. The first, who you may have already heard from in the application process is Alina Olson. Alina is our Director of Financial Aid, and is the person to talk to for questions about your scholarship, overall costs, and loan distribution. For more information, see the cost and financial aid webpage. On the other hand, for questions about accounts, paying bills, or student health insurance,  you’ll want to reach out to Lynda Early in the student billing office. If you have a question about finances but aren’t completely sure who to reach out to, feel free to reach out to either of these folks and they will be happy to help you out or get you connected to the right person. 


As previously mentioned, you’ll be hearing from us weekly now. Throughout June, please keep an eye out for the following information: 

  • Information regarding Federal Work College, as well as covering job selections and/or job availability. 
  • Information regarding our campus dining options, as well as information about our farm. 
  • Information regarding placement testing and advising


In addition to the previously mentioned communication you will receive, please register to join us for a Q&A session regarding the information above on Wednesday, June 26th, from 1-2pm EST. To attend this event, you must register using this link by Monday, June 24th, by 5:00pm EST. All individuals who register will be emailed a virtual meeting invitation. 


In the meantime, if you have any questions, concerns, or just need someone to process this information with, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me! Thank you again for keeping an eye on your inbox, and we’re looking forward to meeting you when you arrive in Yellow Springs in August! 


Best wishes,

Nathan Ortlieb


Assistant Director of Student Success and Academic Resources

937-767-1286, ext. 0193

Letter from Luisa Bieri, Dean of Cooperative, International, and Community-based Learning

Congratulations on your admission to Antioch College!

As the Dean of Cooperative, International and Community-based Learning at Antioch, I want to welcome you and invite you to join our community.

Meaningful work is a core part of Antioch’s distinctive educational experience, which is gaining more national recognition than ever before. Recently, Antioch earned national recognition as a Top 100 Liberal Arts College in the US News and World Report’s rankings. In 2024, we also achieved Federal Work College designation, among only ten other colleges nationally, and the first in the state of Ohio. I am proud to be at Antioch at this exciting time, and want to share with you more about our unique approach to meaningful work—a hallmark of an Antioch education for over 100 years.

All of our students participate in a dual work program that includes Cooperative Education (Co-op) and Antioch College Works. Learning at Antioch occurs across our “3 Cs”: what we commonly call Classroom, Co-op and Community. Throughout, you will develop skills, try out ideas, and explore potential career paths alongside a dynamic network of mentors, advisors, coworkers and friends. You will build connections throughout our campus, our local region, as well as across the country and around the globe. 

Campus Work Crews

All students at Antioch get to join a work crew and contribute 5 hours each week at a campus learning hub or other area. You can choose to cultivate sustainable practices at our Antioch micro-Farm and Farm-to-Table kitchens, or add to local and national justice efforts of the Coretta Scott King Center for Cultural and Intellectual Freedom. You can work alongside arts professionals at The Foundry Theater or The Herndon Gallery. Work crews help run the Olive Kettering Library, and gain a holistic approach to individual and community health at our Wellness Center, offering fitness, yoga, swimming, pickleball and more to members of Antioch and the Yellow Springs community. Whatever work crew you join, you will both join a tight-knit community and gain meaningful work experience along the way.

The first 5 hours of campus work per week are required for all residential students who live on campus to earn the Work Program Tuition Grant in your financial aid award. You may choose to work an additional 5 and up to 10 more work hours for a paycheck. We will support you to find a balance between work and your studies, so we’ll provide regular check-ins on your academic progress and hours worked.

Prior to coming to Antioch, you will receive a Job Preference Form to share your interests around which work crew you’d like to join. In addition, you will submit your resume to Admissions, so that we can  share the skills and talents that you bring with crew supervisors, as you join your first work crew in the fall.

Co-op in the World

You will also spend up to a third of your academic program—a minimum of three academic terms—engaged in full-time work, research, or self-directed learning enterprises that have earned Antioch students an international reputation for creativity, industriousness, and ingenuity. At the core of the Co-op experience is professional engagement—meaningful work in challenging settings where you generally can expect reasonable compensation for your contributions. You will work closely with your Co-op Advisor—a faculty member dedicated to helping you on your co-op journey—on deciding where to apply and effectively landing a job. Not only will you graduate with an outstanding education, an impressive resume, and compelling stories of Co-op adventures in distant locales, you also will discover your unique talents as you take action in the world.

Please don’t hesitate to reach with any questions as you make this important decision. On behalf of the whole team in the Work Program, we look forward to meeting you!


Luisa Bieri
Dean of Cooperative, International and Community-based Learning, Associate Professor of Cooperative Education, Community Arts & Performance 

Antioch College | Cooperative Education Program

One Morgan Place | Yellow Springs OH 45385 | South Hall | 937.319.0099

Letter to Admitted Students from Provost, Brian Norman

Dear future Antiochian,

Congratulations! You are about to make a life changing choice. I love our small, beautiful community at Antioch College. I can’t wait to see how you help shape it.

Let me introduce myself and preview some of what is to come and who will help you on your journey. I serve as Provost and Principal Academic Officer. That means I am responsible for the faculty who will teach and mentor you, the student experience that will shape you, and the curriculum and meaningful work that will prepare you to make a difference in your community and chosen profession.

Antioch College has always been a college that changes lives. We aren’t like other colleges and we don’t think we need to be. Our signature approach to classroom, co-op, and community (the “3 Cs”) means you will be transformed by our focus on interdisciplinary inquiry, meaningful work, holistic advising, and a shared commitment to justice and putting learning into action. Antioch graduates are prepared to help lead the world into a future that works better for everyone.

We are proud that the world is again beginning to notice that we are onto something:

  • Last year, we were named a Top 100 National Liberal Arts College by U.S. News and World Report. That is the highest rank we have earned in over 30 years. We think it affirms our distinct interdisciplinary curriculum.
  • Last fall, we scored 5 out of 5 on the Campus Pride Index, becoming the most affirming private college in Ohio. Inclusion matters in our community.
  • This year, we achieved the status of a Federal Work College, becoming the eleventh in the nation and the first in Ohio. Meaningful work is embedded in all that we do.
  • Now, we are becoming a destination for the surrounding community with our unique “campus learning hubs” where we put learning in action: a sustainable microfarm, community theater and gallery, literary review, holistic wellness center, student-driven campus shop, and a justice center named after one of our most beloved alumni, the Coretta Scott King Center for Cultural and Intellectual Freedom.

You will begin to receive regular messages from various folks at Antioch as you consider your journey and as we prepare for your arrival. In particular, let me introduce you to the team of Deans who are each responsible for one of the signature ingredients of an Antioch education:

Classroom: Dean Snyder, Associate Dean of Academic Affairs,

Co-op: Luisa Bieri, Dean of Cooperative, International, & Community-Based Learning,

Community: Sherri Ihle, Dean of Students and Community Life,

You will get to know each of us – and many more – in your time at Antioch. Always know that we are rooting for you and our doors are open to you.

Generations before you have made this choice, then gone on to change the world. We can’t wait to meet you and introduce you to everyone who makes Antioch special, including Jane Fernandes, our President.

See you in the fall!

Brian Norman

Provost and Principal Academic Officer

Letter from Dean Snyder, Associate Dean of Academic Affairs

July 3rd, 2024

Dear future Antiochian,

Congratulations on your admission to Antioch College! 

My name is Dean Snyder, and I serve as Associate Dean of Academic Affairs. In this role, I help manage our curriculum, classes, and the overall academic experience of the college. Academics at Antioch are unique: we have interdisciplinary, self-designed majors, experiential learning is central to our academic mission, and social justice is elevated throughout our curriculum. If you have any questions about Antioch’s academics, feel free to email me, anytime, at  

The Antioch College faculty are excited to meet you during new student orientation in August. In the meantime, I wanted to alert you to an important part of your transition to Antioch: placement testing for quantitative reasoning, writing, and foreign language.  

Placement testing helps us set you up for success to meet our quantitative reasoning, writing, and foreign language requirements. The first step in the placement testing process is for you to complete this survey (linked here) as soon as possible. It contains important information questions regarding your experience in each of these areas, as well as your scheduling preferences. More information about each placement test is listed below. 


Quantitative Reasoning 

Contact: Amy Osborne, Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Quantitative Reasoning

Description: Antioch College administers a proctored placement assessment through the ALEKS (Assessment and Learning in Knowledge Spaces) System. ALEKS is a web-based learning system that uses adaptive questioning to determine your level of readiness in mathematics.

Instructions: Go to and select SIGN UP NOW. Enter course code RG3GM-CAGX9 and use your Antioch email address to register for a proctored placement test. You may choose to take one practice placement test prior to your proctored placement test. You may also access ALEKS Prep and Learn modules to study prior to your proctored placement test. You must have access to a computer with a webcam, and can use a pencil, paper, and calculator for the test. Smartphones are not permitted. Results are available immediately on the website and via email. 

Placement test location and date: Online via Google Meet on Thursday, July 25th, 2024 at 10:00am EST. You will receive an email from Amy Osborne with the Google Meet link later on this month. 



Contact: Brooke Blackmon Bryan, Associate Professor of Writing and Aesthetics 

Description: Your writing placement test helps us get to know you as a writer, so that we can target our instruction to best support your growth in our writing program. You will take the Next Generation Writing Accuplacer test. You can find practice resources here:

A score of 263 and above places you into ENG 105; a score of 262 and below places you into ENG 101. 

A score of 236 or below is considered developmental. This score indicates that you will need to commit to working with student support services, peer tutors, and the writing instructor to be successful at Antioch College. We are here to help and support you! 

Placement test location and date: You will complete your writing placement test virtually on a computer with internet access, before arriving on campus for orientation. Brooke will send you the log-in information in July, once your account is created and your test is available.

Placement test instructions: Watch for an email from Brooke later in July. You will then receive an invitation from Accuplacer to create an account. If you experience barriers in creating that account please email for alternate options. 


Foreign Language

Contact: Cary Campbell, Associate Professor of French Language and Culture 

Description: Antioch College has a unique proficiency-based language requirement, which essentially means that most students get credit by meeting a standard of performance rather than by grades of classes. The standard is assessed by a third party through a measurement called the Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI). Some students with advanced language skills, with learning disabilities, with language interests outside of the French and Spanish that we teach in-house, or with over 88 transfer credits qualify for special pathways to the requirement and require consultation with the Language and Cultures Program Coordinator.

Placement test location and date: Placement is done by individual appointment online only prior to orientation

Placement test instructions

  1. Complete the Placement Survey (linked here) which includes a self-assessment of language skills
  2. Check your Antioch email for follow-up messages from Cary Campbell based on your survey responses

               a. If your self-assessment shows no further need for information, the follow-up email will complete the placement

               b. If your self-assessment shows further need for information, the follow-up email will give instructions for gathering the information we need  through:

                         i. a short web-based reading evaluation

                         ii. a short web-based listening evaluation

                         iii. a short email for a writing evaluation

                         iv. a short remote video conversation with the language instructor at a mutually arranged time 


Looking Forward

Later this summer, I will be in touch with information about academic advising and registration for the Fall 2024 term. Until then, I hope you have a relaxing and enjoyable summer!

And remember – if you have any questions, feel free to drop me an email. 


Dean Snyder

Associate Dean of Academic Affairs

Associate Professor of Political Economy

Letter to Admitted Students from Alyssa Yoxtheimer, Assistant Director of Student Success and Academic Resources

August 2nd, 2024 

Hello future Antiochian! 

I am Alyssa Yoxtheimer, the new Assistant Director of Student Success and Academic Resources. I just started this position in late July and I am excited to get to meet you all as you start here at Antioch this Fall! I will be along on this journey with you as we both get to know a bit about campus together. 

I am looking forward to Orientation and the memories that will be created as you get the chance to learn more about Antioch and the journey that you will start here! 

We are looking forward to you being on campus as Orientation is approaching. You will be able to view the Orientation schedule by using the PDF attached to this email. This schedule will have all of the exciting information about sessions and events happening at Orientation! 

If you would like a more tech friendly calendar you can add the Google calendar for orientation to your Antioch calendar by following this link! That way you have the events at your fingertips and if there are any sudden changes this calendar will reflect them in real time. 

There is a virtual Pre-Orientation on August 6thfrom 1 p.m.-2 p.m. that will discuss the ins and outs of IT, Billing, and student housing. If you are interested in attending, please RSVP by Monday August 5th by 5:00 PM by using this form. 

If you have any initial questions about Orientation, Student Success, or Academic Resources please do not hesitate to reach out! My phone and email will be in the signature of this letter for you to contact me if needed. 

Thank you again for keeping an eye on your inbox, and we’re looking forward to meeting you when you arrive in Yellow Springs! Best wishes, 

Alyssa Yoxtheimer 


Assistant Director of Student Success and Academic Resource 

937-767-1286, ext. 0193

I cannot stand on the campus of Antioch College without a deep sense of appreciation, for all that this great institution of learning has given to the cultural, social and political life of our nation and the world.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Faculty Stories

Kevin McGruder, PhD
Vice President of Academic Affairs
Associate Professor of History
Kim Landsbergen, PhD
Associate Professor of Biology
and Environmental Science
Luisa Bieri Rios, MA
Assistant Professor of Cooperative Education

“Antioch is in a class by itself. There is no college or university in the country that makes a more profound difference in a young person’s life, or that creates more effective adults.”

-Loren Pope, Colleges That Change Lives