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Interdisciplinary Arts and Creative Practice

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Are you interested in developing a strong understanding of contemporary culture through research and practice within various artistic mediums?

Interdisciplinary Arts and Creative Practice at Antioch College prepares students to become cultural workers in the visual arts, media, performance, and the expanded field of socially-engaged inquiry. This focus is designed to develop the processes and techniques of producing contemporary culture through research and practice while using experimental and interdisciplinary methods informed by philosophy, the social sciences, and more. Our classes intentionally incorporate progressive educational philosophies and radical democratic theory where students build skills and develop multiple, collaborative approaches to making within the arts. We emphasize the importance of understanding the theoretical and cultural context in which art is produced and how it is inextricably linked with our lived experiences, histories, locations, and communities.


Who is this for?

Students build skills and develop multiple collaborative approaches to artmaking within the visual arts, media, performance, and creative writing while using experimental and interdisciplinary methods.

Here are some potential graduate programs and careers that align with the Interdisciplinary Arts and Creative Practice focus:


  • Fine Arts
  • Media Arts
  • Performance Studies
  • Creative Writing
  • Arts Administration
  • Cultural Studies
  • Socially Engaged Art Practices

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