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Glen Helen Association

Raptor Center Fellow

Job Description
Glen Helen plays a unique role in Yellow Springs. The Glen is the reason our forbearers situated the town where they did, and the Glen’s iron-rich spring is the source of the town’s name. Glen Helen provides a thousand-acre greenbelt on our eastern edge, and ensures unparalleled access to nature for our residents.

Glen Helen has a long history of hiring, supervising, mentoring, and evaluating student workers. In 1929, Glen Helen became part of Antioch College, and thus began a 90-year relationship of work and academic opportunities in the Glen. Students built and managed Trailside Museum. They created the Outdoor Education Center and served as its naturalists. They constructed sections of trail and worked to maintain them. Importantly, they engaged in these efforts not just out of academic requirement or intellectual pursuit, but also with a purpose of service to the broader community.

This position provides students with the opportunity for meaningful learning about the work of operating a nonprofit nature preserve, while addressing programmatic needs in Glen Helen and forwarding our environmental mission.

The Raptor Center works to rehabilitate injured birds of prey, and to educate the public about raptors and conservation. The Fellow reports to Center Director Rebecca Jaramillo and assists in all aspects of its operations.

    • Assist with daily wildlife care and care of injured birds
    • Learn to handle a resident bird for education
    • Work with staff and volunteers on facilities repair and maintenance
    • Lead tours of the Raptor Center for visiting groups
    • Participate in wildlife rescues and transport of birds

Application Process

  • Send email to with the following Application Materials.
    • Include the position title in subject line.
    • In the body of the email answer the following questions
      • What is your Class Schedule?
      • What hours are you available to work?
      • What year are you?
      • Have you worked on campus before?
    • Submit your resume and cover letter detailing your work history and relevant experience as an attachment in Word or PDF format.


Nick Boutis

Student Miller Fellowships are paid positions with local nonprofit organizations that are awarded grants to employ Miller Fellows.

Student Miller Fellows will need to attend the first available Nonprofit Leadership Institute (NLI) at some point during their employment with the nonprofit. The NLI provides information on philanthropy and of nonprofits, and provides grounding and framework for learning from their experiences as a Miller Fellow. Students learn how nonprofits operate, how successful nonprofits function, and the important role students play in the community, representing their schools and the YSCF. They meet nonprofit leaders in the community and gain experience through hands-on work sessions.

Miller Fellowships are offered to the following individuals:


      • A full-time, degree-seeking student in good standing at a Greene County college or university with a preference towards an Antioch College student
      • A high school student who is a resident of Yellow Springs/Miami Township or an attendee at Yellow Springs High School; high school Miller Fellows must be 16 years old or older.
      • A resident of Yellow Springs/Miami Township under the age of 25 in a gap year before or during college or home for a vacation period
      • Students must have completed the YSCF’s Nonprofit Leadership Institute (NLI) or apply and complete the next available NLI during their employment.
      • The identified Miller Fellow can be a current employee of the nonprofit if they meet the requirements above.

Reference Materials: