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Messages from the President | Strategic Plan Goals and Objectives

7-14-22 Strategic Plan Goals and Objectives

As announced recently in our email newsletters, I am excited to share that Antioch College’s 2022-2025 Strategic Plan was unanimously approved by the Antioch College Board of Trustees last month. You can now read the full plan here:

Created by students, faculty, staff, alumni, and Yellow Springs community members, this clear, actionable, and measurable plan will guide us towards the better systems that we need to further our critically important mission over the next three years.

We know how committed and invested you are in Antioch College’s future, and as we implement this Strategic Plan, please know that we will regularly report on plan progress and have honest conversations about how we are meeting our goals and our work ahead.

Thank you for your continued dedication to and support of Antioch College. We look forward to welcoming many of you to campus here shortly to celebrate the 2022 Antioch College Reunion.

Take good care,
Jane Fernandes