Peer Tutoring
Peer Tutoring FAQs
Q: Do you have to have a certain GPA to be a tutor?
A: No. It is preferred that peer tutors are in good academic standing. Any potential hires must also have approval from the faculty related to the course(s).
Q: What do tutors get paid?
A: Peer tutors are paid $10 an hour, and can work up to 5 hours per week.
Q: When do tutors get paid?
A: Peer tutors get paid biweekly, which is the same as every other on campus job.
Q: Do I have to work certain hours?
A: No, peer tutors will work out their office hours and/or appointment times/slots with the faculty they are tutoring for and the Student Success Services Coordinator (Beth Barnes).
Q: Is tutoring an Antioch Works job?
A: No. Being a peer tutor is separate from Antioch Works and students can be employed for both positions.
Q:What should I do if I want to become a tutor?
A: Follow these steps
- Contact the faculty that teaches the content for which you’re interested in tutoring. Ask them if they’re interested in having a tutor for (class).
- Ask the faculty to fill out the Faculty Tutor Request Form.
- Fill out the Peer Tutoring Application.
- The Student Success Services Coordinator will reach out via email within a week.