Quantitative Reasoning Program
Engage with quantitative reasoning and numerical literacy.
The Quantitative Reasoning Program is designed to ensure students are proficient in mathematical, logical, and statistical problem-solving processes required for today’s world. By demonstrating mastery of foundation materials and encountering quantitative topics across the curriculum, students experience a broad program that instills long-term patterns of engagement with quantitative reasoning and numerical literacy.
Quantitative Reasoning Program

Minimum Requirement
Basic skills courses provide students with fundamental academic skills that enable academic success, student development, and lifelong learning. These courses are designed to ensure that students develop the skills necessary to succeed in college and are assessed with placement tests during the orientation process.
In the event students’ placement tests indicate they do not meet the minimum college-level requirements for mathematics, students must enroll in the appropriate mathematics skills course, MATH090, during their first quarter of attendance and successfully complete it within their first academic year at Antioch.
General Education Requirement
As part of meeting the general education requirement, every student must complete at least one quantitative course at the 100 level or higher from the courses listed below.
- MATH 102 – Explorations in Mathematics and Quantitative reasoning (4 credits)
- MATH 103 – Topics in Algebra (4 credits)
- MATH 105 – Introduction to Statistics
- MATH 151 – Pre-Calculus
- MATH 155 – Calculus I
- MATH 160 – Calculus II
- MATH 205 – Intermediate Statistics
- PHIL 235 – Logic
Pathways through our quantitative curriculum can be found here.
Beyond General Education
Additionally, courses are designed to support the social and natural sciences as well as student individual interests.
For further information, contact: aosborne@antiochcollege.edu