HERNDON EXHIBITIONS/Black History: A Work In Progress
Herndon Gallery Antioch College, Yellow Springs, OH, United StatesBlack History: A Work In Progress
Black History: A Work In Progress
Arts at Antioch PresentsTime, Place & Presence Lola BetzMichael PereaMaria RamirezViktor ShinkleRosemarie Compton Thursday, March 24th, 20226:30 PMOld Art BuildingLight Refreshments Provided COVID-19 vaccination required. Please adhere to Antioch's current COVID-19 protocols.
Antioch College March Town Hall 2022Thursday, March 24th, 7 - 8:30 PM ET Please register to attend:https://alumni.antiochcollege.edu/e/town-hall-meeting-spring-2022 Join Online: tinyurl.com/yc88txysOr by Phone +1 (929) 205-6099 EMCEEShelby Chestnut ‘05, Chair, Board of Trustees THE PRESIDENTIAL PERSPECTIVEJane Fernandes, President GROWING FINANCIAL STABILITYBob McKee ‘88, VP of Finance THE VIEW FROM ADMISSIONSShane Creepingbear ‘08, Dean of Admission, Kiowa […]
Celebrating Transgender Day of VisibilityYellow Springs Pride, Inclusive Resilient Yellow Springs Coalition, and Antioch College March 31, 20227:00 pm Join us as we stand with our Transgender community in celebration of their lives, impact, and visibility. Inspiring Stories • Light Refreshments • LGBTQ+ Information & Advocacy. Get inspired and discover more ways to make a […]
The Volunteer Work Project is officially back in-person! We have worked out a plan to bring the Volunteer Work Project back to campus for APRIL 2022! Housing is being offered at West Hall. All volunteers will need to be fully vaccinated and follow all the COVID safety protocols while on campus. Please complete the registration as soon […]
This event is an acknowledgment and celebration of the lifelong works of Coretta Scott King and Maya Angelou to address America’s historical racial and social injustices through their art, humanities, civil rights, and social justice efforts. Recognition will also be given to additional Americans whose work closely aligns with theirs. Both Coretta Scott King and […]
Registration for this event has reached capacity and is now closed. The Annual Legacy Luncheon honors those at the forefront of social justice work and local trailblazers making a positive impact in our community. This year, the Luncheon will be held at The Antioch College Wellness Center. window.bboxInit = function () { bbox.showForm('906f13ef-359a-4045-9123-fe97a4e2dbd7'); }; (function […]
The Coretta Scott King Center for Cultural and Intellectual Freedom is a National Sponsor of the Independent Lens documentary, "Claude Got Shot". JOIN THE SCREENING IN-PERSON:Come watch the film together, in-person, in the ASB Cinema Room, May 5th at 7 PM ET.Refreshments provided. JOIN THE SCREENING VIRTUALLY:If you would like to watch on your own, […]
Participants will experience a humanistic process that explores how we are socialized and conditioned to think about race and racism in this country. Through an in-depth analysis of class, power and race this interactive process challenges participants to analyze the structures that hinder social equity and our role in transforming the disproportionate racial outcomes and […]