This video was made by current Antioch students in a class offered by Michael Casselli called “Stuff”. Stuff is “part of the Antioch Commons Tag, a graduation requirement usually done in the first year. It uses the idea of the commons as a point of departure, and each discipline examines the commons through its lens.”
“Right now we have all divisions participating so it gives students an option as to which lens can be used to examine the commons. It also gives first years a chance to take classes that have many different levels of students from first-years to fourth years.”
“We realized that as a college that talked about the self-design major, the first years were not able to select a class of their choosing in their first quarter because we were prescribing all of the classes when they arrived. This was a way to help correct that.”
“There are a number of shared assignments having to do with the history of the College, research methods and library utilization, readings that are specific to the discipline and a final presentation at community meeting from each of the commons tagged courses about the relationship of the commons to the specific discipline. This gives the students a chance to start to understand the way in which one subject can be discussed across disciplines. It starts to introduce them to the idea of intersectionality, and how they might start to think about designing a degree according to their interests.”
– Michael Casselli, December 2021