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Antioch College Announces New Vice President for Academic Affairs

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Antioch College’s President Tom Manley has announced Associate Professor of History Kevin McGruder will be Antioch College’s new Vice President for Academic Affairs starting August 21, 2019. Dr. McGruder replaces Dr. Lori Collins-Hall, current provost and vice president for academic affairs, who is leaving her position in August after five years of dedicated service to the College.

Dr. McGruder began his career at Antioch in 2012 as an Assistant Professor of History. He was promoted to Associate Professor in 2018 when he also received tenure at the College. A distinguished scholar and educator, Kevin holds degrees from Harvard University (B.A.), Columbia University (M.B.A.) and City University of New York, Graduate Center (Ph.D.). Beyond his professional work as an historian, he exercises a wide and deep set of volunteer commitments locally, regionally and nationally. Indeed, in a former life, he also operated a business, directed real estate development projects and worked in community development in the New York area and in Cleveland.

Within the College, Kevin has been a sought-after advisor/mentor for many students, an often-elected faculty representative to governance bodies and an active participant in shaping important institutional programming and strategy. In 2017, he was selected by the graduating class to be its Commencement speaker. His nomination for the VPAA position came from his faculty colleagues.