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Brian Landever ’04 reflects on his three year term working in Peru with CONAPAC

Home » Campus News Latest » Alumni Achievements » Brian Landever ’04 reflects on his three year term working in Peru with CONAPAC

From Feb 2017 until Feb 2020, Brian Landever ’04 was the director of CONAPAC, a nonprofit organization in the low Amazon rainforest basin of Peru where he organized community relationships, fundraising, PR, staff procedures, evaluation analysis and more. The nonprofit agreed to specific environmental, educational, and community management protocols focusing on:

  • Clean drinking water
  • Sustainable Economic Development with a Triple Bottom Line
  • Conservation Education for 3000 Students in the Rainforest
  • Sustainable Living Trainings for Rural Communities
  • Strong Community Relationships

Three years later, in February 2020, Brian’s term came to an end. He writes,

“When we work to ensure that our planet is healthy, and that our world is socially inclusive, we are doing genuine service. It makes us stronger. As human beings we are wired to be healthiest when we feel connected to others and nature, feel concerned for our collective well-being, and include empathy in our view of others.”

Follow this link to head to Brian’s personal blog and read about his work.