Victor Pollak ’70 has published a new book, Saving the Light at Chartres: How the Great Cathedral and its Stained-Glass Treasures Were Rescued during World War II (Stackpole Books 2020). “I am grateful for all of the people who have supported me and helped me realize this lifelong dream,” he says.
The book documents the extraordinary efforts which began in the mid-1930s, under threat of another German invasion, to save the cathedral and its priceless Medieval stained-glass windows (the largest such collection in one location). That such windows would survive World War II’s widespread destruction of cultural monuments is one of the great stories of recent history.
Victor had been looking forward to a number of book signing events, however, due to COVID-19, these events have been either canceled or postponed to a later date. He writes,
“I had planned to sign copies at the Tucson Festival of Books Sunday, March 15, but the festival has been canceled due to COVID-19, so I’ll be appearing at the festival in March 2021. If you’re in town next year please plan to come by and say hello. It would be great to see you. I’m proud and excited to be able to share my work with you. We had also been planning to celebrate in a private gathering among family and friends in Green Valley, AZ, hosted by my wonderful sister-in-law, Nancy Goodell, but we’ve postponed it until a date to be announced later. I may be announcing other events later this spring and summer in Salt Lake City and elsewhere.”
Saving the Light at Chartres is available for purchase on Victor’s website and from Amazon.

Victor Pollak
Corporate and Securities Attorney