The following is a submission to THINK ACT CONNECT, a platform to share action, inspiration, work, resilience, and justice
I wrote this article as a class paper for spring quarter of 1968. It was a time of experimentation and rebellion as the starry–eyed “Flower Generation” emerged from the doldrums of 50s culture conformity. As society transforms through the catalyst of pandemic, I share my perspective on economic justice, capitalism and socialism, questioning the beliefs and values that have formed the foundation of mainstream America.
I studied philosophy and majored in Design, graduating as Rochelle Aileen Block in June of 1968. My experience at Antioch has shaped how I see the world. Learning in an environment of freedom of inquiry, I became an independent thinker and found the inner strength to stand up for what I believe in. During my college days, I never imagined I would become an author, healer, and channeler. I have published five books, as well as articles, artwork, and poetry. My newest book, Cat on a Mission, is the third of a trilogy called “Cats Can Save the World.” I see cats as wisdom-teachers for humanity, living examples of the joy of being free.
It was not until October of 2004 that I met Avram for the first time. He has lovingly offered his support as a dear friend and as editor of my writings for over a decade. We were surprised to discover that we were Antioch graduates; he studied psychology as Alan Sacks and graduated in 1976.
We were introduced through a referral from the Gangaji Foundation when I was seeking a spiritual counselor. He has helped me open to the timeless truth beyond the mind. Since 1995 he has studied with his spiritual teachers Gangaji and Ei Jaxon-Bear. As a spiritual counselor he works with individuals and couples at his home in Ashland, OR, and over the Internet.

Avram Sacks ’76
Avram remembers, “In the 16 years I have known Tarra, I have seen her overcome countless challenges and obstacles. She remains steadfast in her dedication to truth and to being of service to all of humanity.” I asked him how Antioch has influenced how he lives his life. He shared: “My time at Antioch in the late 60s and early 70s was a very powerful and formative time in my life. I was very involved with SDS, supporting unions, working to stop the war in Viet Nam, etc. Fifty years later, I am still an activist; I work with the homeless, and I am active with Jewish Voice for Peace. Fifty years have gone by, but the seeds that were planted then are still sprouting.”
Read Tarra’s article about searching for herself in a time of change here.
About Tarra Light '68
Tarra Light is a graduate of the Antioch College Class of 1968.
Tarra Light is an inspired author, artist, and visionary for the times to come. She writes teaching stories that heal the heart and open the mind to new ways of seeing.
Tarra lives in Ashland, Oregon, with her cats Katie and Bhakti. She dedicates her life to healing the Earth, opening human hearts, and awaking all souls to God’s eternal love. Her website is