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Morgan Hayslip ’21 Creates New Orleans Inspired Art Project

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As part of ANTC 170: Antioch Seminar Understanding Jazz, taught by Professor Teofilo Espada (Visiting Professor of Psychology), Morgan Hayslip ’21 has created a multimedia art project, inspired by old New Orleans Jazz clubs and other inspiring clubs of the late 1950s and 60s.

“I used acrylic paint along with these really cool acrylic paint pens for the fine aspects of the signs on the building. I also used a treasure gold paint for the street, and for the top, I used newspaper and an adhesive glue to tack them to the canvas.”

The course, ANTC 170: Antioch Seminar Understanding Jazz, focuses on understanding Jazz from various perspectives: historical, social, psychological, and music appreciation. Throughout the quarter, students studied and compared the most significant jazz genres and the contributions of some of the most influential musicians. They listened to recordings and read the work of scholars who have analyzed jazz as a historical, cultural, and political phenomenon after which they analyzed portions of the autobiographies of musicians and club owners who influenced how we think about jazz and how we engage with musical performances. Jazz standards and their importance were also discussed.