Interim Dean of Students Louise Smith ’77 preparing Weston Hall for the return of students to campus.
While campus has been far from empty this summer (with students participating in the Summer Jobs Program and many employees returning to campus after working remotely) this past week the College has been truly abuzz with activity.
All around campus, months of planning and work were realized by Facilities to Academic Affairs and everything in between. Admission and Residence Life staff—including Mary Evans ’21, Truth Garett ’20, Iara Benton Molina Ward ’01, Interim Dean of Students Louise Smith ’77, and Community Manager Coco Gagnet ’18—along with student Resident Assistants and Orientation Leaders completed final preparations to welcome new and returning students for the Fall quarter. “We cleaned Weston Hall and we donated 11 bags of clothes to the Ohio Thrift Store in Springfield,” said Evans of just one of the many projects undertaken.

Pamela Martinez-Ibarra ’24 welcomes new arrivals
On Tuesday, August 25, the wait was over. New students and their families descended on campus and Orientation 2021 was underway. With the current state of the world, a visit to the Campus Nurse was the first stop. With negative test results in hand, students were then able to obtain keys to the residence halls and proceed through the rest of the registration process. A wide variety of activities—from ice breaker conversations to policies and expectations—oriented the new Antiochians. Evans observed, “North Hall residents are eager to be at Antioch!”
“It takes a whole community to welcome our new students and their families,” said Louise Smith. “Big big shout outs to everyone who made the day a success. It warmed my heart to see new students at dinner and in South Gym last night begin to forge their friendships and start to feel at home.”
Returning students began to arrive on Friday and have been moving in over the weekend. Classes begin on Monday, August 30. Welcome to Fall 2021!

Dennie Eagleson ’71 photographs some members of the Class of 2025 on the Steps of Main
Photos by Mary Evans ’21, Coco Ganet ’18, and James Lippincott