Pre-Professional Biomedical Science
Students work with faculty advisors to devise self-designed majors. Coursework in the major builds upon students’ experiences in the general education curriculum while providing students with pathways to deepen their knowledge or further develop their passion in a particular area of study.
Pre-Med | Pre-Vet
Pre-Pharm | Pre-Dental
“This experience allowed me to see first-hand how the medial system in Senegal really worked.”
— Leander Niyokwizera ’18 (far left) completed his final Cooperative Education placement at L’hopital Philippe Maguilene Senghor in Senegal
Students interested in admission to dental, medical, veterinary, or pharmacy school are advised to pursue the Bachelor of Science degree. While students interested in this track will complete a degree heavy with coursework in biology, they must also develop a broad understanding of mathematics, chemistry, and general physics in order to be most successful.
Recommended Coursework
Biology and Chemistry
BIO 101 Principles of Biology
BIO 220 Introductory Molecular Biology and Genetics
BIO 230 General Microbiology
BIO 240 Zoology
BIO 360 Comparative Anatomy
BIO 370 Advanced Molecular Cell Biology
BIO 410 Integrative Physiology and Advanced Biochemistry
CHEM 105 General Chemistry I + Lab
CHEM 160 General Chemistry II + Lab
CHEM 205 Organic Chemistry I + Lab
CHEM 330 Organic Chemistry II + Lab
CHEM 340 Biochemistry
- MATH 155 Calculus I
- MATH 205 Inermediate Statistics
- PHYS 160 General Physics I
- PHYS 260 General Physics II
Research Courses
- SCI 297 Independent Scientific Research
- SCI 397 Advanced Scientific Research
Captsone Project
- CAP 394 Capstone Preparation
- CAP 450 Capstone Development
- CAP 495 Capstone Project
Cooperative Education Field Placements
Students pursuing any pre-professional track are strongly encouraged to seek Co-op placements in related settings.
- Cardiology Practice of Timothy Sanborn MD, Northshore University Healthcare System in Chicago
- L’hopital Philippe Maguilene Senghor in Dakar, Senegal
- Pharmacy Technician, Town Drug, Yellow Springs, OH
- Physical Therapy Clinics at Kettering Health Network
- Premier Health Advanced Illness Management Program at Premier Health Fidelity Health Care in Dayton, OH
- Outpatient Gastroenterology Practice at University of Cincinnati Medical Center
- Radiation Oncology in the office of Dr. Jeffrey Goldstein, Sheba Medical Center in Tel HaShomer, Israel.