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COVID-19 Playlist

Home » Campus News Latest » Think Act Connect » COVID-19 Playlist

by | Mar 29, 2020

The following is a submission to THINK ACT CONNECT, a platform to share action, inspiration, work, resilience, and justice

The nucleus of this YouTube playlist is REM’s “It’s the End of the World as we Know it (and I feel fine)”; COVID-19 parody songs; world beat; a touch of Tom Lehrer and Weird Al; songs found searching for “virus”, etc.

I’m trying for gallows humor and things that are a little positive without being unrealistic. At least one of the songs uses the F word repeatedly.

It’s a work in progress and I welcome additional suggestions (use the form below). 

About Ada Kerman ’94

Ada Kerman is a graduate of the Antioch College Class of 1994.

BSc Computer Science. On the Technology Committee ~1993. We planned to lay fiber optic on campus. Married, widowed, two kids (ages 16 and 14 by early May). Farmer. Tax pro. Libertarian socialist.

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Think Act Connect

A platform for sharing action, inspiration, work, resilience, and justice