First CARE
The First C.A.R.E. (Concern, Assessment, Response, and Education) Team is a network of Antioch faculty and staff who meet regularly to identify, monitor, and provide holistic support for students.
The goals of the First CARE Team are:
- to support student success and retention through increased linkages to support resources
- to implement interventions, and
- to assess and disseminate data as it relates to student success and retention.
Any member of the Antioch community (staff, faculty, students, family, or friend) can submit a referral. Referring a student will initiate a holistic support response focused on student and community wellbeing.
You may consider referring a student to the First CARE Team if a student:
- exhibits declined academic or social behaviors
- engages in behaviors that have a negative impact on student or community
- becomes increasingly isolated, unkempt, irritable or disconnected
- demonstrates an inability to care for oneself
- persists in behavior and/or remains distressed following attempts made to be helpful
- shows significant and marked changes in behavior or mood
- expresses thoughts of suicide or other acts of self-harm
- makes threats or displays aggression directed toward themself of others
- displays other concerning behavior
If you have an immediate concern, you should contact Public Safety at 937-776-0660.
If you are unsure how to proceed, please contact to discuss further.