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Giving Societies

Giving Societies

Giving societies commemorate Antiochian legacies – donors, leaders, and symbols that helped shape the entire Antioch College community. Donors who are recognized through Antioch’s giving societies are key partners in building a culture of philanthropy and ensuring we remain a College in action. In honor of their contributions, donors at these levels receive exclusive communications about the impact of recent gifts, special invitations to experience and learn about the life-changing initiatives of Antioch, and opportunities to hear from College leaders.

Towers Society

Alumni & friends who have contributed or pledges $25,000 or more

The Towers Society is named for the iconic towers of Antioch Hall. The towers of Main were completed in 1853. Main Building symbolized both the high ideals that went into the establishment of Antioch and the hopes for the future of Yellow Springs as a cultural center.

Hugh Taylor Birch Bequest Society

Planned gifts of any amount

The Hugh Taylor Birch Bequest Society honors those who have made a planned or estate gift to Antioch College. Hugh Taylor Birch (Class of 1869) was passionate about his love of nature and his love for his alma mater. He gave the Glen to the College and provided a significant maintenance endowment to the College in his will. These gifts ensured that the Glen, named for Birch’s beloved daughter, Helen, would be enjoyed by future generations of Antiochians.

Presidents Circle

Annual gift of $5,000 or more

Want to get involved?

Ready to join fellow Antiochians and friends in support of the College?

Learn more about how to make a gift here or contact the Office of Advancement at or 937-767-2341.