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For Abel Coelho ’04

For Abel Coelho ’04

"O chestnut tree, great rooted blossomer, Are you the leaf, the blossom or the bole? O body swayed to music, O brightening glance, How can we know the dancer from the dance?"- W.B. Yeats (from the poem Among School Children)Just before the holidays...


Not long ago my father-in-law passed. He had been ill for years, turned inward and physically ravaged by Alzheimer’s.  His death was a release and a mercy even though it was also a great sadness for family and friends. Those two outcomes from two...

Art as a Tool for Peace and Justice

Action is the pointer which shows the balance. We must not touch the pointer but the weight.- Simone WeilThe recent Restorative Justice Symposium organized through Antioch College, the Community Empowerment Organization and the Village of Yellow...

Creative Disruptions

Creative Disruptions

 The sculptor/painter (and my fellow Baltimorean) Anne Truitt didn't start making art until she was nearly 30. That was in 1949 when she left her work as a psychiatric nurse to attend art school. Whenever I encounter her signature monochromatic...

Weathering the Storm

 Storms of catastrophic scale are upon us, and I don’t just mean the latest hurricanes. Perhaps we are tracking these storms as they build and approach on digital maps, turning counter clockwise as they gain mass and power to undo what may have...

Derek Walcott

“Lines of Thinking" is a monthly feature from College President Tom Manley.  August, 2017 The death of poet-playwright Derek Walcott in March brought me up short. He was 87 and a Nobel Prize laureate who continued to produce luminous...


Portland, Oregon—my adopted hometown and the birthplace of two of our daughters—was already on my mind because of the murderous attack on the MAX Line a few days before.  The train and the stop were very familiar. We had used both, as had our...

Hello, My Name is Allen Ginzberg

Hello, My Name is Allen Ginzberg

Here are three encounters with the American poet Allen Ginsberg; one of them explains the title I have given to this Lines of Thinking.1.During the two decades I worked at Pitzer College in Claremont, California, Allen Ginsberg came to campus a...

“Cascade Experiment”

Meeting the Universe HalfwayFirst, let me assure you, there is a poem in the winding path that follows. It is one I return to often, especially these days when the undermining of art and science, the dangerous posturing around national agendas, and...