Presidential Transition Updates
A New Academic Year Begins
A message from President Jane Fernandes sent via email to the campus community today Dear Antiochians, I want to welcome each of you to the opening of the 2021-22 academic year, and all the possibilities that it brings! Having spent my entire career...
The Next President of Antioch College
Dr. Jane Fernandes, former Guilford College President, has been selected as the second female—first deaf—president, in Antioch College’s 170-year history.
Presidential Candidates Visit Campus
The Search Committee has largely completed its work with the identification of two outstanding presidential candidates whom the Board of Trustees have invited to visit campus. This exciting and crucial phase of the process involves participation and...
Search Progresses, Candidates Identified
The search for the next president of Antioch College, which began in February 2021, continues with significant progress. The Presidential Search Committee—which is chaired by Ro Nita Hawes-Saunders and composed of students, alumni, faculty, staff,...
Presidential Search Prospectus Published
The College's presidential search consultant, Academic Search, has published the search prospectus approved by the Presidential Search Committee and the Board of Trustees. The prospectus provides an overview of Antioch College, the leadership...
March Presidential Search Listening Sessions
The Presidential Search Committee has announced virtual Listening Sessions for the Antiochian community scheduled for the second week of March via Zoom. Invitations for these listening sessions were sent via email on Wednesday, March 3; please check...
Firm Hired for Presidential Search
Following its formation, the Presidential Search Committee has begun meeting and will continue its work through the calendar year. The Board of Trustees approved the Committee’s recommendation to engage Academic Search, working with Senior...
Presidential Search Committee Formed, Chaired by Ro Nita Hawes-Saunders
Dear Antioch Community, The Board of Trustees is pleased to announce the formation of our presidential search committee. The Executive Committee of the Board assembled the committee based on broad representation and community ties. They will meet on...
Manley to be President Emeritus
On August 4, 2020, President Tom Manley announced his intent to retire as Antioch College president at the end of the 2020-2021 academic year ending June 30, 2021. In an update about the transition process, on October 18, Antioch College Board of...
President Tom Manley Announces Retirement
In a message to the campus today, Antioch College President Tom Manley announced his plans to retire at the end of the academic year in 2021. Dr. Manley was named president in November 2015 after a national search by the Board of Trustees. He started...