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Co-op News & Achievements

Amanda Rodriguez ’04: Exploring Our Connection With Nature

Stories Happen in Forests is an internationally recognized and award-winning short documentary produced and directed by Amanda Rodriguez ‘04 in association with Videographer Andrea Desky of Call to Action Creative. Stories is Amanda’s first film, and due to the pandemic, premiered online in 2020. It will have its first in-person premiere on September 26th, 2021 at Dogwood Alliance’s 25th Anniversary event in Asheville, NC. 

Shadia Alvarez ’96 Discusses Juneteenth and Antioch

Shadia Alvarez ’96, Senior Vice President for Equity and Strategic Development and Executive Director of the Coretta Scott King Center discusses what Juneteenth means on the Antioch campus, how it is celebrated, and what Antioch is doing to acknowledge and reflect on denouncing racism on campus.