Parents & Families
We believe Antioch College provides young people with educational opportunities and life experiences that will have profound personal and professional impacts.
This is how.
They will blaze their own trail.
The process of creating a self-designed major will instill a sense of self-efficacy in your student. The next generation of leaders must learn how to seek support and guidance, but with the understanding they are the owners of their life experiences.
Their path will be built on a foundation of shared humanity.
Whatever your student wants to become, our faculty will help them connect their vision with concern for our environment as well as all of the many challenges humanity is facing today and tomorrow.
They will become the best version of themselves.
In a living laboratory for change and exploration, faculty and students create a culture of collaboration. Your student will have freedom to learn by trying, failing, and reinventing solutions for the benefit of all.
We will keep them safe.
Exploration and challenging the status quo always carry a degree of risk; however, we take seriously our honor code, Sexual Offense Prevention Policy (SOPP), and Racial Discrimination Prevention Policy to create around your student a culture of safety from hate, intolerance, and abuse.
By graduation, your student will become more of who they need to be to meet their personal and professional goals.
Expect more self-assurance, empathy for their worldwide neighbors, determination, and belief that the world can become a more just, equitable, and compassionate place.