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Say Her Name

Say Her Name

Antioch College wishes to express its deep outrage at the failure of a Louisville, Kentucky grand jury to provide a process for securing truth and justice for Breonna Taylor by holding her killers accountable. We stand in solidarity with her family and the families of all other victims of racist police violence and against the systemic perpetuation of a society based in fear, hatred and enforced through violence.

Reunion 2020: Virtually

Reunion 2020: Virtually

We're going virtual for Reunion 2020!  From Alumni Awards to social events and film screenings, virtual Reunion is packed with events for every Antiochian. Reunion 2020 begins on Thursday, October 1 with events every week through Sunday, November 1....

Doorways: Thich Naht Nan, Mary Oliver

Doorways: Thich Naht Nan, Mary Oliver

These days, I am more mindful of dichotomies I have drawn and leveled falsely over time. Often they seem to reside in dismissive (and unnecessary) judgments about situations and people, rationalized by fact-lite narratives I construct for them. They...