Stories from Co-op
Current Students on Co-op
Serving the Community at Martin’s: Axel Slowe ’27 at Martin de Porres House of Hospitality in San Franciscoby Axel Slowe on May 19, 2024
Martin de Porres House of Hospitality, or Martin’s, is a free restaurant – essentially a soup kitchen that isn’t limited to just soup. You can find their website here: Martin’s runs lunch from Monday to Saturday and has breakfast Tuesday through Friday. For the
“In the Bay, at Martins”: Bridget Padilla’24 at Martin de Porres in San Franciscoby 1 Co-op-Admin on February 22, 2024
What is Martins?Martin de Porres House of Hospitality, affectionately known as Martins, is a Free Restaurant, serving soup for anyone and everyone Monday – Saturday from 1-2pm. Martins was inspired by the catholic workers movement which lead to their mission to “serve in the spirit
Teaching Assistant at the Buen Dia Family School; Harris-Brewer ’25by Trinity Harris-Brewer on February 21, 2024
Working at Buen Dia has taught me the complexities of working as a teacher, childhood development, and the culture that San Francisco has to offer. When I first started working at Buen Dia I had some history of babysitting in my family, and while it
Learning to return to the land: Yuri Whitley ‘26 at the Antioch Farmby Yuri Whitley on June 15, 2023
The Antioch farm is a small-scale farm that works to provide farm-to-table produce for our community. Our primary goal is to be able to have enough produce to feed all of the students and staff on campus continuously. Growing up in a small town surrounded
Zootastic Life: Colin Ross ’26 at the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium in Columbus, Ohioby Colin Ross on May 31, 2023
Growing up, my family would constantly take trips to the zoo. I would walk around holding hands with my sister as we observed the animals. Through the years, the zoo became a part of my life, being my first class field trip, where I volunteered
Modeling Mosaics of Benthic Community Composition: Jones ’22 – NSF REU at the Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciencesby Emma Sue Jones on October 7, 2022
Currently stationed at the Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences (BIOS Station) in St. George’s, Bermuda, I am on co-op fulfilling a position as a research assistant intern completing a “research experience for undergraduates”—also known as an REU—through the National Science Foundation. I am working under
Co-op work experience has lasting impact
As we celebrate 100 years of Cooperative Education, we look forward to providing this life changing experience to future generations. This March, donations to the College’s Annual Fund are matched 1:1 thanks to generous matching gifts which double the impact of every dollar given.
Antioch had a truly profound and lasting impact on my life. And I believe that the Antioch College Works program [which builds on the strength of Co-op] gives students today exactly the kind of experience that will prepare them to be a force for productive and positive work in the world.