Coretta Scott King Center Global Racial and Social Justice Summit
Another World is Possible: A Global Racial and Social Justice Summit
Call for Presenters
Please join us on February 13-16, 2025, for an in-person Global Racial and Social Justice summit at Antioch College in Yellow Springs, Ohio. The conference is being sponsored by the Coretta Scott King Center for Cultural and Intellectual Freedom at Antioch College.
Summit Theme:
Another World is Possible will create a space for academics, artists, activists, community organizers, and students to discuss current racial and social justice concerns and resistance efforts. Around the world and in the United States, we have witnessed and experienced a deepening of existing as well as the emergence of new forms of political domination and economic exploitation. For example, we have seen increases in attacks on racial and social justice movements; authoritarian actions and policies; the strengthening and mainstreaming of the far right, and the promotion of exclusionary policies. This, of course, includes the attacks on diversity, equity, and inclusion; Critical Race Theory; immigrants; LGBTQIA+ rights; Feminist studies; Gender studies; unions; voting rights; reproductive rights; and the teaching of Black Studies in U.S. higher education and K-12 institutions, to name a few things.
In response to these developments, as Patricia Hill Collins, bell hooks, and others advocated, it is extremely important for individuals and groups dedicated to racial and social justice to gather and collectively grapple with resistance so that we might survive and thrive. How is this current wave of extremist actions and exclusionary policies impacting academics, artists, activists and students dedicated to racial and social justice? How are individuals and groups resisting and working towards greater peace and justice in this moment?
Join us as we gather to learn about existing work and research, develop visions of racially and socially just futures, create networks of support, and collectively strategize to achieve what we envision.
Action Requested: We request that individuals, organizations, or collectives submit proposals to present research papers, panels, performances, workshops, films, art work, or posters that address the summit theme. We welcome submissions from people within the academy, working independently, and others working in different community settings. We also welcome submissions that talk about community-based, local, national, global, and transnational resistance efforts.
Submission Process:
● INDIVIDUALS submitting a proposal should fill out the google form linked below where they will be able to submit a proposal (350 words maximum), bio (250 words maximum), contact information, and a current CV/resume.
● GROUPS submitting a proposal should use the linked google form to send a single document containing a panel description (350 words maximum) and brief abstracts for each presenter if applicable (150 words), and the organizer’s contact information. You will be able to submit a current bio (maximum 250 words) and a CV/resume with affiliation for each presenter, moderator, discussant, etc. as two separate documents.
The deadline to submit a proposal is November 15, 2024. Presenters will be notified of their acceptance by December 15, 2024.
Proposals should be submitted via this link:
In an effort to encourage participation, we have a limited number of scholarships to offset the cost of attendance. Please indicate when you submit your proposals whether or not you or your students would like to be considered for a scholarship.
Support for this summit was provided by the Great Lakes Colleges Association through its Global Crossroads Initiative, made possible by a grant from the Mellon Foundation.
About the Coretta Scott King Center:
Coretta Scott King, who joined Antioch College as part of the class of 1951, granted the College the use of her name for a center that provides education, awareness and advocacy around issues of racial and social justice, peace, and diversity. The Coretta Scott King Center (CSKC) for Cultural and Intellectual Freedom facilitates learning, dialogue, and action to advance racial and social justice. As one of seven Learning Hubs at Antioch College, the CSKC also hosts a variety of programs and educational initiatives for the campus community and the general public, connecting communities locally and nationally around issues of diversity, inclusion, and justice in all its forms.
About Antioch College:
Antioch College has been a pioneering and values-driven secular institution since it was founded in 1850. Horace Mann, first president of Antioch College, was an abolitionist, an educational visionary, and the founder of the American public school. In the spirit of Horace Mann, Antioch College believes a healthy democratic society requires institutions that act as catalysts for change and laboratories for invention. This is a role that Antioch College has played throughout its history; the effort to restore it is among the most significant and compelling opportunities in higher education today.
The mission of Antioch College is to provide a rigorous liberal arts education on the belief that scholarship and life experience are strengthened when linked, that diversity in all its manifestations is a fundamental component of excellence in education, and that authentic social and community engagement is vital for those who strive to win victories for humanity.
** Check out a few of the summit highlights and invited guests!
Contact Information:
Dr. Queen Meccasia Zabriskie
Coretta Scott King Center for Cultural and Intellectual Freedom
Antioch College
1 Morgan Place
Yellow Springs, Ohio 45387