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Residence Life

Residence Life at Antioch College

The mission of the Residence Life Program is to provide a sense of home to a diverse student population while empowering students with life skills that translate beyond the walls of the residence hall. Residence Life emphasizes building a culture of respect and compassion in students’ living spaces, a sense of stewardship towards facilities, and the development of civic responsibility and leadership skills that are essential for success and overall educational experience.

On-campus residency is a critical component of the Antioch experience, and campus life is often the laboratory in which complex social theory is tested and refined. However, students may petition to live off-campus if they meet criteria listed below:

Students who wish to petition for off campus housing must meet with the Business Office and the Financial Aid office to discuss the financial implications of living off campus. These meetings are meant to be informative and are not determining of outcome. Students must complete an Off-Campus Housing Petition and submit a statement addressing the reason for their petition. Students must then meet with the Residence Life Coordinator to present their petition and statement. All petitions must be approved by the Dean of Students and the Residence Life Coordinator. Petitions are due the seventh week of the term previous to the desired start of off-campus housing. No petitions will be considered after seventh week.