Library & Archives

Library Policies
The Olive Kettering Library (OKL) will allow regular access to Antioch College students, faculty, and staff only to enter the physical premises of the building as patrons. Other visitors may enter the premises in roles associated with the delivery of goods and/or services or by appointment and must leave immediately upon the completion of duties in those roles.
If you visit the library building you are required to use personal protective equipment in the form of a mask or face shield at all times in the OKL.
The chairs and furniture in the OKL have been arranged to comply with the current protocols. You can adjust chairs to accommodate your needs or comfort, but you must comply with the current protocols in any case. Please do not move furniture.
There is lots of space in the OKL. There is also seating, tables, and study carrels in the basement level. For increased safety, we suggest that you find a personal study space with the most distance from other people.
If you want to borrow items from the library you will scan or type in your barcode and the barcodes of items you wish to borrow.
Items that come through interlibrary loan will be held at the circ desk. Ask the circ desk attendant for your item(s).
Computer Stations
The eight computers designated for patron use will be placed in areas that ensure compliance with social distancing protocols. Each station will have sanitization supplies. If you use a computer you must sanitize the keyboard and mouse after use and throw away wipes or materials used for sanitizing.
Antiochiana Policies
Antioch College Archives
Seeking to provide access to its collections for researchers under pandemic restrictions, Antiochiana sets the following conditions:
- Access is granted by appointment only.
- Patrons may only visit Antiochian one person at a time.
- Patrons must wash their hands thoroughly before entering Antiochiana.
- Patrons must confine themselves to the Reading Room during their visit. They may not enter any other part of Antiochiana including the Rare Book collection. [Until reopening, the rest of Olive Kettering Library remains closed.]
- Only serious inquiries will be considered for researchers to gain access.
- To maximize use of limited time, patrons must specify in advance the materials they wish to use and/or the topic(s) they wish to study.
- Unless completely alone in the Reading Room, the patron and archivist must both wear a face covering at all times.
- By entering Antiochiana, the patron attests that they have no symptoms of COVID-19 nor have had contact with anyone exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19. Antiochiana reserves the right to deny anyone entry if they exhibit symptoms and the right to end a research visit at any time if a visitor shows any signs of illness.
- Items handled by patrons in the archives will be quarantined for four days before they may be accessed again by patrons.